Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome Back !

  I was shocked!
  Just looked at the date of the gentlemanfarmer's last post.  My, how time flies! (I heard that somewhere before!)
  For better or worse, for richer or poorer, I promise to post more frequently.

  There are campaigns going on all over our Country for who will SERVE us for the next two, four, or six years in various posts -- ranging from the White House to the Outhouse. 
  Of course, President B.H. Obama's progressive circus has a few more days in town, but much of everything else is up for grabs these days.  As I read the newspapers, blogs, emails, and TEA-leaves, I get a sense of "throw the rascals out", ranging from sea-to-shining-sea, and border-to-porous-border.
  Our tendency to "throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater" sadly, is going to waste a few good people, because the country is restless and there's a serious uprising from the right.  Invigorated by TEAParty rallies and seemingly led by no one yet, the sense of the movement is to take out anyone who appears to be part of the political "system" that has let us down, and led us down, and to replace them with citizen-representatives.
  I see new faces and names on campaign posters.  Business people who've never been involved are running for office.  Doctors. Ranchers. Others.  That's very encouraging.
  Our founders intended that we have "citizen representation" from the beginning. It's time we returned to that with surveyors, farmers, architects and others, leaving their fields, instruments, and businesses to serve a term or two, then go home.
   Allowing our representatives to become "entrenched" and by refusing to challenge the endowed power of incumbents, had gotten us into this mess.

  It IS time again to throw the TEA into the harbor and the incumbents into the streets!!

  Long live Liberty!!


Carol Robinson said...

Perhaps we should throw the incumbents into the harbor and DRINK the TEA!

Gentleman Farmer said...

I'll DRINK (Tea, of course!) to that!!