Monday, March 30, 2009

Talk, Talk, Talk!!


Finally have my blog going at

FYI, it's called "Vox Populi" - the people's voice.

Well, at least, that's the blog's name for now. I'm not quite "the people's voice" . . . yet. Still have a way to go, but at least, we're working on it. Hope to have some samples up before too many moons. Still on an agent-quest. Looking for a hardy agent willing to take on this genuine geezer!

So, if you know one, or even if you know someone who might know an agent who handles or specializes in voice talents . . . please let me know right away!

Remember the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory? Chances are, you know someone who knows someone who knows . . . .

You get the idea!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Plowshares Into Bullets


When a friend emailed this to me, I felt compelled to post it here. It's from the blog: The Shootist. The material is copyrighted, of course. I've placed complete attribution at the end of this informative (and frightening!) piece. Do not ever doubt the power of people, banding together to change things! And never doubt the psychological power of the thought of an armed citizenry.

~ agentlemanfarmer

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Plowshares Beaten Back into Bullets

SHOCK and AWE...The tentacles of the internet reached out and pulled the Brotherhood of the Gun together, launching a massive strike.An electronic impulse that may have mirrored a sunspot hit Washington, DC as gun people everywhere called and e-mailed their congressional delegations.

Larry Haynie is owner of Georgia Arms ( and one of the largest manufacturers of centerfire pistol and rifle ammunition in the country, producing 1.2 million rounds of reloaded .223 ammunition a month, mainly from expended military cases.

"We're right up there behind Hornady," he told me. Haynie first alerted us to the move by the Department of Defense to stop selling whole fired brass cases to the remanufacturing market, requiring instead that all expended brass be "mutilated" ("Shredded..." as Haynie put it) before it was sold as brass scrap.

On Sunday, March 15, he was interviewed by Tom Gresham on his nationally syndicated show "Gun Talk" ( where he informed us he had two months worth of whole cases left, and then he would have to lay off half of his 60-person work force. We discussed it on this blog, and alerted other gun bloggers who joined in warning the firearms community that here was a serious threat against their sport--one that could push the cost of ammunition well beyond the means of the average shooter.

The shooters responded--in droves. E-mails were sent. Letters were written that will probably continue arriving for days, and outrage was expressed. Not only did the gun folks contact their congressmen, they contacted DOD too...even to verify the action had been taken, and Government Liquidators, LLC, the corporation that auctions government surplus, had been told to cease the auctions of whole expended brass.

Something worked.

On Tuesday, March 17, Georgia Arms posted this message on their website:

"Dear Loyal Customers,

Thanks to your voice, DOD has rescinded the order to mutilate all spent cases as of 4:30 pm on 3/17/09. We appreciate the time and effort that you expended, together we all made a difference. We will be posting the email we received from DOD as well as any additional information within the next 12-16 hours. Thanks so much and lets get to work!!!

Georgia Arms."

Perhaps the most poignant message received of the many dozens that were posted here was from the wife of a long time employee of Georgia Arms:

"My husband has worked for Ga Arms for about 20 years...We have two kids in college..My husband is 50 years old, I am sitting here trying to come up with ways to reduce our spending and thinking about who would hire a 50 year old man! Please pray for our family! I guess we could sell off all his guns!!"

Thanks to you out there, this lady and many other long-time employees of Georgia Arms and all the other remanufacturers of expended military brass will now continue to be gainfully employed--a part of a productive American work force rather than forced onto the government dole.

There are too many people to thank for helping this occur--everyone pulled together.

But of special note are Larry Haynie, and Tom Gresham, who sent a link to his radio program:

Caleb of Call Me Ahab alerted us to corroboration by which has been on this since the beginning, and special thanks to the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (, who also broke the news early on with a letter from Gary Marbut,the president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. He described what was going down, and asked everyone to write Senators Max Baucus and John Tester to demand the DOD rescind this outrageous action against the shooting community--which they did.

David Codrea of The War On Guns leaped into the fray early on with his highly read Gun Rights Examiner columns

But mainly, it was YOU--the Brotherhood of the Gun--who responded so quickly with cogent, lucid complaints to your political representatives--putting them on notice we would not take such attacks against our sport, avocation, and livelihoods lying down.

It was a quick, massive response. The comments on this blog alone were outraged and rancorous, but never vile--and they worked.You are the Minutemen of today.

I am proud of you all.

- - - - - - - - -

Methinks we'll add a link from here, just so you'll know how to find The Shootist in the future. Right ON, Gordon!!!

This was taken from the blog: The Shootist.

The author's profile follows: GORDON
Author: "THE GREAT NEW ORLEANS GUN GRAB" (with Todd Masson), an expose' of the anarchy and outrageous behavior of civil authorities who confiscated thousands of guns from law-abiding citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Also the author of "THE QUEST AND THE QUARRY"--a southern novel of the hunt.


Founding Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Training Officer and Spokesperson for the Lunatic Fringe.

Unapologetic Gun Nut (with apologies to David E. Petzal.)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Bit of History, A Bit of Peace

On the morning of September 19, 1863, Confederate soldiers encamped near Crawfish Springs, drank and took on a supply of water for themselves, and watered their horses - all from the main spring.

The following day, September 20th, following the bloodiest battle of the War Between The States, soldiers of the Union army took over the springs, and there watered themselves and their horses.

"Earlier, during the War of 1812, five hundred Cherokee soldiers from the area fought with General Andrew Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend against the Creek Indians, who were aligned with England. Their valor helped assure victory for the Americans. The Cherokee nation was divided into districts and courts with Crawfish Springs the county seat of one of the districts. " (from Wikipedia)

Two nights ago, my wife and I sat in the living room of some dear friends, Ted and Myra, on the north bank of Crawfish Springs, overlooking a vastly different scene. No horses. No soldiers. No battlefield campfires. No sounds of musket nor cannon. No moans of dying nor wounded men or their animals. No blood running in the water. Instead, the quiet serenity was punctured only by the bubbling, splashing sounds of waters gushing up from somewhere deep underground.

We had spent the evening in prayer, bible study, and meditation with our friends, who now live in a building, constructed beside the springs only a few more than 40 years following the terrible carnage.

As we sat in the quiet of the evening, my mind went back over the history of this spot, made sacred by the blood of men fighting and dying for their causes. Here, we sat, not in conflict but in peace, surrounded not by the sounds of battle and dying men, but instead, bathed in the love of our Lord.

What a contrast.

Men die. Peace is purchased by their blood. We get to enjoy the benefits and beauty of their sacrifices.

Same is true of our spiritual lives. Jesus died. A violent and cruel death. Our peace was purchased by his blood. We get to enjoy the benefits, blessings, and beauty of his sacrifice for us.


Picture respectfully "borrowed" from:

Friday, March 13, 2009

FaceBook Welcomes "A Gentleman Farmer"


If you're "Friend" on FaceBook, you can now link your favorite correspondent (the farmer, of course!) to your profile page.

You can also become a "follower". We'd kinda like that. Perhaps you'd like it, too.

We renew our promise to offer "a potpourri of thoughts, experiences, meanderings, musings, and occasionally brilliant ideas of a true, trusted, and certifiably genuine geezer".

Perhaps something usefull, perhaps occasionally, something you'll want to share with others.

If you haven't joined FaceBook yet, it's probably just a matter of time, anyway, so why not visit?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Get PAID for talking . . . I should be rich instead of so good looking!!

In one of my former lives . . . I actually got PAID to talk!

Can you imagine?

I know some people, who, if paid by the word spoken would be among the World's Wealthiest! Right up there with Bill GatesWarren BuffettCarlos Slim HelĂș, and other members of their exclusive fraternity.

For a number of years, I was a news reporter, most of that time, stationed at Cape Canaveral, then the Kennedy Space Center, covering the US Manned Space Program. I didn't get paid by the word, of course, but reporting was never like a "real" job. It was like getting paid for my favorite hobby.

For several years, I got away from working with my voice, and worked more with my sparkling personality, marketing telecommunications for the Bell System to major businesses in southeast Florida.

Now semi-retired, the current financial situation causes me to reach again back into the bottom of our bag of tricks and begin searching for an intrepid and brave agent, willing to represent me and my limited voice "talents".

My search has just begun.  I'll try to keep you posted on any results -- good or bad.

In the meantime, do you have any audio books, tv narration, internet training, presentations, anything at all requiring a professional voicing?  I may actually be "Your Guy"!

In the next day or three, I'll try to post a link to a new website, where you can also hear samples of our "voice wares".

Stay tuned!