Tuesday, June 3, 2008

". . . 'til the fat lady sings!"

"It ain't over, 'til the fat lady sings," or, as Yogi Berra is credited with saying, "It ain't over 'til its over!"

The long hot summer of the Democrats's discontent stretched over two long hot summers and an equally llooonngg winter. Now, seems as if Barak Obama has made history by becoming the first black to carry the banner toward the US Presidency for one of the two major political parties instead of Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to be nominated by either party.

Who'd'a thunk it?

Was it only a year ago that Obama "didn't have a chance", and the former First Lady, Hillary Clinton, had "a lock on the nomination" and was moving toward her own coronation as the Democrat standard-bearer on the evening of "Super Tuesday". And, how ironic that this time in 2007, John McCain, also, "did not have a chance."

Needless to say, Clinton's "Super Tuesday Strategy" failed.

Now, it will be Obama, challenging John McCain to be next White House resident. Here, now, on this date, according to many of the "legitimate" polls, it appears to be a toss-up. But, as the old expression, "there's many a slip twixt cup and lip" pictures, many things can happen before the November decision.

Things change.

Often more quickly than we are ready for changes.

This time next summer, either John McCain or Barak Obama will be settling in to his role as President of the USA. Leading our country just slightly toward right-center, or toward the extreme left, toward Socialism.

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